Advanced Care Planning Decisions Video Library
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Additional info from an email sent to Dr. Homburg :
ACP Decisions Patient Education Videos Featured on CBS Evening News
BOSTON, Massachusetts (June 1, 2011) – The ACP Decisions Patient Education Videos were featured on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 6:30 pm Eastern Standard Time on the CBS Evening News. The news segment chronicled the experience of a patient diagnosed with advanced cancer as she and her family watched an ACP video that provided information about advance care planning and end-of-life care options.
The videos were an eye-opener for the patient and allowed her to make an informed decision consistent with her values. She credited the videos for helping her better understand what occurs in the final days of an illness: “When I saw that gentleman laying there on that ventilator – that was difficult. I wouldn’t want that for me or anyone else.” The segment concluded with a comment by Dr. Jonathan LaPook, CBS Evening News Medical Correspondent:
“When a patient comes to you and says ‘Doc I’m going to beat this’ and
part of you agrees with them or wants to agree with them, it’s hard to
start [an end-of-life] conversation and I have made the mistake in my very
own practice of delaying that conversation too long and watching
one of my patients needlessly suffer at the end of their life because I
was not able to properly coordinate end-of-life care. Yes it is a tough
conversation, but we owe it to our patients to have it.”
To view the segment, click here:
About Nous Foundation, Inc.
Nous Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization consisting of clinicians and researchers who want to empower patients with patient-centered, culturally appropriate, and easy to use video decision aids. Our carefully crafted video support tools undergo rigorous review by leading experts in medicine, geriatrics, oncology, palliative care, ethics, and decision-making. All of our videos are first studied in the research arena and include participants who represent geographic, racial, age, and religious diversity. Our video decision aids are filmed and produced by Drs. Angelo Volandes and Aretha Delight Davis along with colleagues from Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Boston Medical Center, and the University of Chicago.
Contact: Angelo Volandes, MD, MPH,
Tel: 1-866-440-5969